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"Eu te amo por isso": Rihanna se declara para Drake no Instagram

Redação Bonde
05 set 2016 às 09:44
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Depois da cerimônia do VMA 2016, que aconteceu no dia 28 de agosto, Drake e Rihanna não estão mais escondendo o romance. Já teve discurso, declaração de amor e até beijos durante um show. No final de semana, a cantora publicou alguns agradecimentos em seu Instagram e Drake aparece seguido por "eu te amo".

"Eu tenho as pessoas mais incríveis na minha vida! Minha família, meus amigos, aqueles que são amados, meus fãs, meu time!!! Um presente de almas lindas! E eu sou grata a Deus por ter nos colocado uns nos caminhos dos outros. Obrigada para os lindos @iamnaomicampbell @therealmaryjblige @traceeellisross pelas belas palavras! @champagnepapi seu discurso foi emocionante e eu te amo por isso", escreveu.

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#VMA2016 night was one that I would never forget!! I have the most incredible people in my life! My family, friends, loved ones, my fans, my team!!! All gifted beautiful spirits! And I'm so grateful that God has precisely and flawlessly arranged our paths to meet at each other! It's because of you that I was able to reach this moment in my career! And it's also because of you that I was able to pull off a night like this one, with 4 medley performances, 4 set productions, 4 outfits, 4 hair and makeup looks, and all in 4 days of rehearsal! It was a challenge but I wanted nothing more than to give my fans a true representation of all the colors that I'm made of as an artist! My journey has been filled with growth and people who continue to inspire me! Forever grateful to everyone involved creatively, from choreography all the way to wardrobe and production! @MTV team you were a dream to work with! Thank you to the beautiful @iamnaomicampbell @therealmaryjblige @traceeellisross for your kind words! @champagnepapi your speech was so touching and I love you for that! All in all....Best night ever!!! I'm a lucky girl!!! To God be the Glory! #RiRiVanguard

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Um vídeo publicado por badgalriri (@badgalriri) em


O rapper também já demonstrou o carinho pela cantora.

This is a night for us all to be thankful for what you have done for us! You have affected so many of our lives in the best way possible. Tonight we celebrate you! @badgalriri

Uma foto publicada por champagnepapi (@champagnepapi) em


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