
Artista transforma mulheres muçulmanas em bonecas

03 abr 2017 às 15:23

A artista nigeriana Haneefah Adam criou uma forma de homenagear mulheres muçulmanas, representando-as em forma das famosas bonecas Barbie.

Ela transforma as bonecas totalmente; na cor, no cabelo e nas roupas. Ela criou uma conta no instagram na qual divide com seus seguidores, a foto da mulher real e a boneca inspirada nela. As fotos, sempre vêm com uma breve explicação de quem é ou foi aquela mulher.

O trabalho de Adam é muito importante, pois a representatividade do mundo muçulmano é, geralmente, muito negativa, relacionando-os a pessoas más, terroristas e cheias de ódio.

O trabalho da nigeriana, pode dar a meninas que cresceram em países muçulmanos bons exemplos para seguirem e segurança por se sentirem representadas de uma forma boa. Ela não faz apenas mulheres para se inspirar, ela cria bonecas inspiradas nas mulheres do dia a dia de países muçulmanos, para as meninas se relacionarem mais facilmente.

Confira abaixo o trabalho de Haneefah:

Samah Safi Bayazid, a 28-year-old award winning filmmaker lives in Washington DC-USA. She studied filmmaking and screenwriting at New York Film Academy in New York City. Samah started working professionally in the filmmaking field since she was 22 years old, to be one of the pioneers professional Muslim filmmakers in the industry. Samah has merged her passion in faith with filmmaking to produce unique humanitarian and Islamic entertainment for audiences in the West and East, such as Short films, PSAs, TV Campaigns, TV programs, Documentaries, Drama series and Music videos. With her husband Director Muhammad Bayazid, her life and work partner, they produced the first American drama series "Inspiration" that shows the morals of the prophet Muhammad PBUH through a dramatic plot, with over 50 million views, it has been translated into 16 different languages and it won the best Creative project in ICDA Dubai Festival. Her latest film "Orshena", a short film that addresses the refugees issue around the world and the hardship of losing their beloved ones has been officially selected for many international film festivals and won lately the Award of Excellence in Indie Film Festival in California- USA. Her latest PSA "Islamophobin" addresses the Islamphobia problem in the states. Samah also worked with the Sweden artist Maher Zain on his music video "Muhammad"about the love for the prophet Muhammad PBUH.

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