



Milla Jovovich revela ter sofrido aborto: 'não posso ficar em silêncio'

Agência Estado
15 mai 2019 às 16:50

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A atriz Milla Jovovich, conhecida por seu trabalho na série de filmes Resident Evil, relatou ter sofrido um aborto há cerca de dois anos e fez um desabafo em seu Instagram após o tema ser alvo de debates nos Estados Unidos por conta de mudanças em leis em Estados como a Geórgia e o Alabama.

"Eu nunca quis falar sobre essa experiência. Mas eu não posso permanecer em silêncio quando tanto está sob risco. [...] Nossos direitos como mulheres de obter abortos seguros por médicos experientes estão novamente sob risco. [...] Incluindo em casos de estupro ou incesto", afirmou a atriz em seu Instagram na terça-feira, 14.

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I don’t like to get political and I try to only do it if a really have to and this is one of those times. If someone doesn’t want to continue reading, you have been warned. Our rights as women to obtain safe abortions by experienced doctors are again at stake. Last Tuesday, Georgia Governor Brian Kemp signed a draconian bill into law that outlaws all abortions after six weeks — before most women even realize they’re pregnant — including in cases of RAPE OR INCEST. This makes Georgia the sixth state to pass such a restrictive six-week abortion ban, joining Ohio, Mississippi, Kentucky, Iowa, and North Dakota. These laws haven’t been passed yet, but lawmakers in these states are trying. Abortion is hard enough for women on an emotional level without having to go through it in potentially unsafe and unsanitary conditions. I myself went through an emergency abortion 2 years ago. I was 4 1/2 months pregnant and shooting on location in Eastern Europe. I went into pre term labor and told that I had to be awake for the whole procedure. It was one of the most horrific experiences I have ever gone through. I still have nightmares about it. I was alone and helpless. When I think about the fact that women might have to face abortions in even worse conditions than I did because of new laws, my stomach turns. I spiraled into one of the worst depressions of my life and had to work extremely hard to find my way out. I took time off of my career. I isolated myself for months and had to keep a strong face for my two amazing kids. I started gardening, eating healthier and going to the gym everyday because I didn’t want to jump into taking anti depressants unless I had tried every other alternative. Thank God I was able to find my way out of that personal hell without turning to medication, but the memory of what I went through and what I lost will be with me till the day I die. Abortion is a nightmare at its best. No woman wants to go through that. But we have to fight to make sure our rights are preserved to obtain a safe one if we need to. I never wanted to speak about this experience. But I cannot remain silent when so much is at stake. #prochoice #prochoicegeneration

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Uma publicação compartilhada por Milla Jovovich (@millajovovich) em

Em seguida, relatou sua própria experiência: "Eu mesma passei por um aborto de emergência dois anos atrás. Eu estava grávida há quatro meses e meio, e gravando em um local na Europa Oriental. Entrei em trabalho de parto prematuramente e me disseram que teria que ficar acordada durante todo o procedimento."

"Foi uma das experiências mais horríveis que já passei. Eu ainda tenho pesadelos com ela. Eu estava sozinha e sem ajuda. Quando eu penso no fato que mulheres devem enfrentar abortos em condições ainda piores que eu por causa das novas leis, meu estômago revira", complementou.


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